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Celtic Games 1890 – Thistle
- Glasgow North-Eastern Cup
- North Eastern (Glasgow) Cup Semi Final, played at Beechwood.
- Before 5,000 spectators.
At Beechwood the Celtic and the Thistle brought off their semi-final tie in the North Eastern Cup competition before a large attendance of spectators. The Thistle had their full team, but the Celts played two reserve men – Murray in consequence of McCallum’s departure for Blackburn, and Burns in goal in place of McLaughlin. The game was fairly equal in the first half, but on changing ends the Celts put on the pressure, and won easily by five goals to nil.
The other semi-final tie in this competition between the Rutherglen and the Northern at Rutherglen resulted in an easy victory for the Springburn men, who will now meet the Celtic in the final.
Burns, Reynolds, McKeown, Gallagher, Kelly, McLaren , Madden, Groves, Coleman, Murray.
Goals:– Dunbar, Madden, Coleman, Murray, Groves.
Deans, McFarlane, Dewar, Hannah, W McFarlane, Stead, Izatt, Carson, McVicar, Robertson, Wilson.
From newspaper reports from the time
Report 1
The Scotsman – Monday, 17th February 1890, page 4
Thistle v Celtic— The North-Eastern tie, at Beechwood Park between these teams, was decided before 5000 spectators. The game was a fast one for fully fifty minutes both sides sustaining the pace at a smart rate. The combination was good, and the defence brilliant. The Thistle played down hill in the first half, but could not score. Gallacher, Kelly, and. McLaren played up magnificently at half-back. Both sides were endeavouring hard to score, and the excitement round the ropes was intense. Groves, Coleman, Dunbar, and Madden were also in good form, and revelled in the passing game. Dunbar scored the only goal in the first half. Crossing over, the Celtic renewed the contest with vigour, and gradually the Thistle fell away. They had not the same stamina as their opponents, who made rings around the defence. Kelly and McLaren were shooting straight into the Thistle goal, and many exciting scrimmages occurred. Groves broke brilliantly away, and crossing to Madden, that player added the second goal with a swift shot. Coleman furnished a third, and ere time was called the conquering Celts put on another couple, and the same ended — Celtic, five goals ; Thistle, nil.
Report 2
Despite the attraction of the Scottish Cup Final Tie, the interest of the east End followers of the game was centred in the meeting of the Celtic and the Thistle in the semi-final for the North eastern Cup.
Groves started the game, and the Celtic were making progress towards the Thistle’s goal when Robertson got on the ball, and changed the scene of action. McLaren returned the ball, and then the Thistle’s goal was placed in jeopardy. The Thistle had a look in, nut only temporary, as the Celtic came away, and had it not been for Deans they would have scored.
Though the game was only a few minutes started excitement was at fever heat. A well sustained attack by the Thistle brought them a corner, but it was badly placed, and soon play was transferred to the other end. A speedy run by Izatt was productive finally of a good shot from that player, but McKeown headed the ball out, and it was carried up the field.
A corner fell to Celtic, and it being well placed, it caused the Thistle some trouble. Robertson saved, and eventually the ball was got away. An exciting bit of play took place at the Celtic goal, and resulted in a corner, of which the Thistle made the best, but the ball was finally sent past.
The Celtic assume the offensive, and Deans was called on, and saved splendidly. The Celts kept at it and got a corner, but the ball was sent behind. The Thistle then got into close proximity to the Celts’ goal, and a good shot seemed to have gone through but Burns just saved in the nick of time.
Dunbar scored for the Celtic shortly after, the ball going through far out of Deans’ reach. When the whistle announced half time the ball was in Celtic territory, with the score in the Celtic’s favour by one goal to nil.
On change of ends nothing of importance took place until the Thistle made a most determined raid on the Celtic goal, but Burns distinguished himself by saving splendidly, and sent the ball well down field.
The ball was passed from the Celtic right to left, and Murray sent in a beauty, which had the desired effect. The goal was disputed, but the referee gave it.
As the game progressed the Celtic had rather the best of the play, but the Thistle defended well, and when they did get up the field the Celtic backs were generally too much for them. A corner fell to the Thistle, but it proved of little use, as the ball was sent behind.
The Celtic then had a run down field, and Murray sent the ball through but he was offside. McLaren then sent in a grand shot from about midfield, which, however, deans saved. Shortly after Groves sent the ball into goal, and Madden tipped it through. The remainder of the game, though stiffly contested, was mostly in favour of the Celtic, who far outshone their opponents in stamina, and the result was – Celtic, 5 goals; Thistle, nil