Match Pictures | Matches: 1962 – 1963 | 1962-63 Pics |
- This was the second game of the short tour of Ireland at the end of the 1962-63 season.
- John McNamee was sent home from the tour in disgrace. His crime was to arrive back at the team hotel in Cork at 11:35 pm on the Monday night when a curfew on the players had been set at 11:00pm. His excuse? – he was visiting relatives in Cork and lost track of time. After a curt and 'frank' discussion with trainer Bob Rooney he was told to pack his bags on the Wednesday morning and make his own way back to Glasgow to face a disciplinary committee of the club. McNamee had yet to re-sign for Celtic and it was alleged that he had handed in a request for transfer at the end of the season.
Only one reference has been found so far to this game – the short snippet from the Glasgow Herald of 30th May, 1963 (below)
- Match Report (see end of page below)
- Match Pictures