Books – Emotionally Celtic

Media | Celtic Books | If You Know The History


Title: Emotionally Celtic
Matt McGlone
Published: Dec 1995

SynopsisIf You Know The History - Kerrydale Street

A book written on the Celtic takeover & the lead up to fans involvement within it,with plenty of behind the scenes stories of what really went on in the battle for Celtic’s soul!

‘Emotionally Celtic’ is 192 pages in length with 18 chapters ranging from… Smears, lies & audio tapes, Eye to eye with Michael Kelly, Conscription time Celtic style, Teenage Rebellion, Brothers in Arms,The battle goes on, Glasgow the Divided City, Jock Stein the Immortal Father, McCann & Dempsey, Celts are a Riot, the Scent of Victory, Celts after Change, The Press, Sharing the Club, Foundations & the Future.

Plus more!


(by Joebloggscity)
In 1995, Matt McGlone wrote this book on the whole Celts for Change saga.

Sadly, the role played by the men behind the Celts for Change group has been sidelined for too long, and even to date (around 20 years later) this is the only book that has been written that covers the whole set of events from the position of the general fans. All the other books seem to place the fan groups as peripheral to events. Granted the main battles were held in boardrooms and the like with lawyers & bankers, but that wouldn’t have happened without the support on the street pushing for change.

Part biographical, it does give a good view of the whole takeover from the viewpoint of the man on the street, but as ever there are controversial aspects which will irk some people. Neverthelss, a good read and McGlone has been fair enough to criticise the “Rebels” (such as Brian Dempsey) as much as give fair due to the “Biscuit Tin” world (such as Terry Cassidy) where need be.

However, there is also a lot of guff in it as well to be honest (e.g. uninteresting personal stories, half-backed opinions, growing-up pains etc) but it’s still a good read nonetheless if you avoid the other stuff.

The best aspect is that he provided a chapter for each of the “Celts for Change” organisers to pen their opinions and experience on the whole side. It’s very poignant as they point out the personal costs that were taken to be able to run the group (e.g. lost time with family etc).

Very much worth a read, and you can easily skip the guff parts.

Product Details

  • Author: Matt McGlone
  • Paperback: 200 pages
  • Publisher: GD Communications (Dec 1995)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 0952715600
  • ISBN-13: 978-0952715603
