Below is very out of date and we’ll try to update ASAP
Celtic PLC
The current directors of Celtic PLC are:
- Ian Bankier Chairman ( Since 2011)
- Peter Lawwell, Chief Executive (since 2003)
- Chris McKay, Finance Director (Since 2016)
- Tom E. Allison, Senior Independent Director (since 2001)
- Sharon Brown, Independent Non-Executive Director ( since 2016)
- Dermot Desmond, Independent Non-Executive Director (since 1995)
- Brian Wilson, Independent Non-Executive Director (since 2005).
The Company Secretary is Michael Nicholson
Dermot Desmond is the single largest shareholder in Celtic PLC, controlling approximately 39% of the voting shares.
The Celtic Football and Athletic Company Ltd
The Celtic Football and Athletic Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Celtic PLC, and provides football club management and promotional activities. The directors are:
- Peter Lawwell (Chief Executive)
- Eric Riley (Financial Director)
- Michael McDonald (Non-Executive).
- Michael Nicholson (Company Sec)
Celtic F.C.Ltd
- Michael Nicholson (Company Sec)
- Peter Lawwell(Chief Executive)
- Chris McKay (Finance Director)