Team Line Ups Pictures | Team Line-up 1955-56 1957-58 | Photograhic Library |

The 7-1 team
Back Row Lto R – John Donnelly, Bobby Evans, Sean Fallon, Dick Beattie, Billy McPhail, Willie Fernie.
Front Row – Jimmy McGrory (Manager),Charlie Tully, Bobby Collins, Bertie Peacock, Sammy Wilson, Neil Mochan, Willie Johnstone (Trainer)
These photographs was taken at the 2/11/57 league game against Kilmarnock at home (Celtic 4-0 Kilmarnock), the first game after the 7-1 Hampden in the Sun game when Celtic retained the league Cup thrashing Rangers.
The line-up is BACK ROW: Goldie, Fallon, Beattie, McPhail, Fernie, Evans. FRONT ROW: Willie Johnstone (Trainer), Tully, Collins, Peacock, Wilson, Mochan, Jimmy McGrory (Manager). Jiohn Donnelly was absent (Peter Goldie standing in) that day, out with ‘flu.
Team photograph probably from 15th December 1956, the 3-1 defeat of Dunfermiline at home
Haughney, Meechan, Beattie, John Jack, Evans, Peacock
Higgins, Vince Ryan, Mochan, Fernie, Tully.