Celtic Slang | About Celtic | Celtic’s Foundation
“Hunskelper” is an honourary title given to a player by the Celtic support in recognition of their achievements in playing their part in consistently scoring against Sevco (and previously Rangers) of a high quality that it led to victories, or the person has consistently played a strong part in the side to thwart Sevco (and previously Rangers) from victory.
The player will have played his part in the respective matches such that his performance were of a standard that would rankle with the Huns.
On occasion, a player will have been asked by the support “to Hunskelp” the opposing team, which means that said player has been requested to score a goal of the quality of a top class “Hunskelper“.
The term was usually used for games against Rangers, however can also be used for certain others, such as Hearts, although ironically for Celtic supporters, Hearts fans have chanted “Go Home Ya Huns!” to visiting Rangers supporters at matches between them.
In Celtic circles it had generally referred to Rangers, and has since their liquidation moved on to referring to their various zombie tribute acts (i.e. Sevco etc).
Interestingly, when ex-Celt Moussa Dembele transferred from Lyon to Athletico, Mundo Deportivo newspaper announced Dembele in social media as ‘The Hunskelper‘:
Headline: “Dembélé, el ‘Hunskelper’ con físico portentoso para potenciar al Atlético”.
“El Lyon, que pagó 22 millones por Dembélé en agosto de 2018 para ficharlo del Celtic de Glasgow. Precisamente en este club se ganó el apodo de ‘Hunskelper’, que es una suerte de ‘título honorífico’ que los hinchas católicos le dan a sus jugadores por su desempeño en el club, especialmente en los partidos ante eterno rival, el Rangers. Se deriva de los términos ‘hun’, con el que se designa a los hinchas del cuadro azul y ‘skelp’, que es golpear.”
(link: https://www.mundodeportivo.com/futbol/atletico-madrid/20210113/491559233169/dembele-el-hunskelper-con-fisico-portentoso-para-potenciar-al-atletico.html)
Supreme Hunskelpers v Rangers
Supreme Hunskelpers v Sevco
Supreme Hunskelping games
- 1999 Celtic 5-1 Rangers
- Lubo leads the way to hunskelp the Huns
- 2000 Celtic 6-2 Rangers
- A supreme team effort sees the team hunskelp the Huns in a landmark game.
- 2004 Celtic 1-0 Rangers
- Celtic’s fifth hunskelp of the season to finish off a 5 wins out of 5 whitewash against the Huns.