Kelly, James – Grave

Celtic Graves | James Kelly

Celtic's first Captain. Celtic Director.

Buried at St Patrick's New Stevenston (in Lanarkshire), alongside his family including Chairman Sir Robert Kelly.

James Kelly - Grave - The Celtic Wiki

James Kelly - Grave - The Celtic Wiki

Celtic Graves Society Commemoration.

Sunday 9th April 2017.
In attendance was Jim Craig (Celtic Graves Society patron), John Fallon, Danny McGrain and the Son & Grandson of Celtic Captain Duncan McKay who travelled all the way from Melbourne, Australia to represent his Father. Peter Lawwell represented Celtic Football Club and the fabulous Terry Dick spoke on behalf of the Celtic Graves Society and Nora Kelly spoke on behalf of the Kelly Family.
Father White of St Mary of the Assumption, Calton conducted the blessing.
A huge thank you to the Kelly Family for their assistance.

CGS Forum:
Podcast recording @CelticFanMedia:James Kelly commemoration

Kelly, James - Grave - The Celtic Wiki

James Kelly Commemoration.
James Kelly Commemoration.
James Kelly Commemoration.
James Kelly Commemoration.James Kelly Commemoration.
[Untitled]Kelly, James - Grave - The Celtic Wiki
Kelly, James - Grave - The Celtic Wiki
James Kelly Commemoration.James Kelly Commemoration.
Kelly, James - Grave - The Celtic WikiKelly, James - Grave - The Celtic Wiki

Kelly, James - Grave - The Celtic Wiki

Kelly, James - Grave - The Celtic Wiki