Hotline Number : (310) 829 7511
Games Shown at :Games are shown at Joxer Daly’s Pub.
Games cost $10 for a member and $15 for non-members. Rangers games cost $20 for non-members. Address:Joxer Daly’s, 11168 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232, (310) 838-3745
Coming from 405 North: Exit on Washington Blvd/Venice Blvd, turn right on Sepulveda and a sharp left on Washington Blvd.
Coming from 405 South: Take the exit toward Washington Blvd/ Culver Blvd.Turn right onto Sawtelle Blvd.turn right onto Washington Blvd.
Membership: $50 male members; $20 for females and retirees.
Televised Games Phone hotline (310) 829-7511