Ref: Pitch Invaders, Nude Streakers, Nutters who jump onto the park during a game
Pitch Invaders
Some people just can’t be helped. We all arrive at matches to escape the realities of our daily lives and immerse ourselves in 90 minutes of thrills. Some though take it too far and rather than just being being satisfied to be spectators, they end up trying to be an unwelcome performer on the field of play: Pitch Invaders.
Individuals have caused Celtic enough headaches in the past, mostly fuelled by drink and adrenaline, sometimes leading to moments of madness. On the rare occasion, the pitch invader has gone on to confront a player or official, never a good thing, other times it’s been nude streakers (often sponsored by someone or some business looking for shock publicity which can really backfire).
Excluding the streakers, the most bizarre incident for Celtic happened in one match in the Champions League at home v AC Milan (3 Oct 2007), one drunken young idiot ran onto the pitch and across the goal to then pat the opposing goalkeeper on the face. The ‘infuriated’ goalkeeper then decided to chase after him before ‘collapsing’ to the ground and clutching his face. Stretchers and ambulance men were called on to carry him off. It was all a charade, and the authorities cringed, and charged the goalkeeper for bringing the game into disrepute. It went viral globally and we all laughed at Milan’s expense.
Celtic got let off lightly in that instance and have this goalkeeper to thank. If it weren’t for his theatrics, Celtic would possibly have been hammered because of the pitch invader. The Milan goalkeeper’s antics shifted the exposure from our club.
Despite the above, we’ve had too often young ‘neds’ deciding to make an welcome grandstand on the pitch. It leads to fines and may lead to possible sanctions.
As much as the Celtic support have to self police themselves there are limits, and the club does its best. Stewards are long harassed by the few and take the brunt of the responsibility for this.
The general support on the terraces just have to be vigilant. One day it may cost Celtic dear, as it has done other clubs.
Supporters are a major part of the game, just some have to realise they aren’t the primary focus and aren’t above the rest of the support.
One of the most dubious set of pitch invaders are the streakers. Thankfully these exhibitionists are rare, but they have given the authorites enough headaches and the rest of us a belly laugh.
Notable examples include in the the Road to Seville in 2003, when in the away match v Liverpool, an ‘official’ at kick off ran up to the captains and referee in the centre circle to flash them a yellow card before flashing a bit too much of himself. This certain fellow was a serial streaker and has been infamous for such japes.
Anyhow, an annoyance and rarity, best just laughed at and let the TV cameras pan away to stop them getting the undeserved attention they crave.
Celtic v AC Milan 2007

Dida taken off the pitch after claiming he was attacked by the fan from above pitch! (he wasn’t, embarrassed all)