McLaren, James – Grave & Memorial

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Thanks to Delaney @ the Celtic Graves Society for providing the pics from Canada.

Newspaper report of James Mclaren death, below is a notice of his wife Mary death.

McLaren, James - Pics - The Celtic Wiki
McLaren, James - Pics - The Celtic Wiki

Marked grave of James McLaren – Flowers left by Delaneys Grandchildren.

James McLaren Grave

McLaren, James - Pics - The Celtic Wiki

McLaren, James - Pics - The Celtic Wiki

House James McLaren last lived in

McLaren, James - Pics - The Celtic Wiki


Words from Delaney on the CGS Website.

I have family in Kamloops. I had heard that Jimmy McLaren was buried there so when I was out there for a holiday a few years ago (before CelticGraves) I made a point of trying to find his grave. I took the grandkids with me to the local cemetery office and checked out the records. They had 2 McLaren's both Scottish. I knew that James had died from injuries received as a result of a fall and that was notated against one on the records.
We visited his grave in the old Pleasant Street cemetery located in the heart of old downtown Kamloops. He and his wife Mary are both buried there in the same plot. The flat stone grave marker has their names and dates of births and deaths.It also has an inscription on the bottom which if I remember right says "We Love Them"- had to scrape back sod to see that and disturbed a nest of ants – that got a scream out of the kids – and myself. The stone is old and suffers from erosion and I would imagine in a few years could be barely legible. The cemetery is well maintained.

As a project during their school holidays my grandkids did further research on James and came up with obituaries, newspaper aricles and family information. James had four daughters but they couldn't find out if any family was still in Kamloops. They found married names and information and it looked as if some if not all might have moved to Vancouver. My grandkids have kept an interest in the gravesite, occasionally putting flowers there and visiting "to talk to James and Mary" even taking along some of their schoolmates sometimes at lunchbreak. I'm quite proud of them ! Like us all I guess they became attached – and that was without any coaxing.

I have pictures of the cemetery and the grave and copies of the obits newspaper articles etc which I will try to post. Unfortunately they are on my old steam driven desktop which like myself is getting slower and contrarier with age but I'll do my best and hopefully it will too. Like many have said of other locations of former greats there was a great feeling of awe wonder and pride standing by that gravesite !



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