Zombie Nation

Songs and Anthems | Legends and Supporters


No lyrics as such…. See the vids



Tune by: Kerkenkraft400

The original Zombie Nation tune is by German tech band Zombie Nation, which was a very popular techno hit in clublands globally. The title of the tune is actually Kernkraft 400, and was performed by Zombie Nation, but the tune has been mislabelled as Zombie Nation!


The Celtic fans took up the tune in order to mock Sevco fans. Rangers went into liquidation in 2012 and Rangers FC died. The clubs assets were sold to Sevco Scotland Ltd, set up to acquire them. Sevco changed their name to… The Rangers Football Club Ltd and applied to join the Scottish Premier League as the Oldco Rangers. This was rejected, on the grounds that the old Rangers club had died. The Newco Rangers would have to start in division 3 and work their way back up, from the dead. Therefore Sevco is a new club & company, and so as if a Zombie entity, as the Sevco fans claim falsely that their club is a continuation and never died!

Celtic celebrated Sevco’s  with banners declaring “the war is over, the rebels have won” and subsequent return from death with the Zombie dance and singing Zombie Nation, and still do, at every opportunity.

Currently a variation (watered down) is still done at the end of matches whenever Celtic win, especially after big victories v Sevco or European matches. The players go up usually to the Green Brigade Ultras terracing era and start up the dancing & chanting!

Teenagers, kids & adults (who still think they’re young) love it all!
