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UEFA Cup Final 2003

When the Hoops fans held an impromptu going away party at Ibrox on Beach Ball Sunday they would set the tone for the whole Seville experience – whatever the result the Celtic fans were going to have a party. And so they did.
An army of 80,000 supporters travelled the long road to southern Spain via any means possible. Not before or since have so many travelled so far in the name of football. It was though the friendliest of invasions. Large quantities of alcohol were undoubtedly consumed but the mood was never anything other than festive.
Locals and Porto supporters happily mixed with the Bhoys supporters in the squares, bars and clubs of Seville. Hugs, huddles and handshakes were the order of the day as new friends were made and old pals reunited. As kick-off approached the Celts danced and sung in the sunshine and even when the Bhoys suffered the agony of an extra time defeat the partying continued.
Not even defeat could sober the mood of a support who had come to realise in recent days just what a unique and special club they belonged to. Although the team lost the final the support had won the hearts of the people of Seville as well the respect of the football world. Awards in recognition of the fans behaviour followed from both UEFA and FIFA.
UEFA Cup finals are annual events. They come and go. What happened in Seville however was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. An experience no other club is ever like to repeat.